
Our goal is to put research evidence on intellectual disabilities at the service of clinical and habilitative practice and, therefore, of the individual and their family.

About Us

We are a group of psychologists and researchers working at the Department of Developmental and Socialization Psychology at the University of Padua who have been conducting research in the field of intellectual disabilities, with a particular focus on Down syndrome, for many years. 

In addition to our research activities, we conduct psychological counseling, developmental assessment, and habilitation, aimed at fostering the realization of the full potential of each child or youth with Down syndrome and, thus, a better quality of life.

SILVIA LANFRANCHI—Associate Professor

RENZO VIANELLO—Professor Emeritus

FRANCESCA PULINA—Psychologist and Research Fellow

CHIARA MARCOLIN—Psychologist and Research Fellow

SARA ONNIVELLO—Psychologist and Research Assignee

SARA COLAIANNI—Psychologist and Research Fellow

What We Do

Clinic, For Families:

  • Developmental and functional profile assessments
  • Cognitive enhancement interventions in person or via teleconference
  • Counseling for families, geared toward fostering observations and an understanding of key aspects of the child’s development and potential and toward supporting the establishment of a life plan
  • Psychological support and counseling for families
  • Teacher counseling and support in setting learning objectives
  • “A Step Together”: Free counseling for families with children and young people with Down syndrome or other intellectual disability

Through “A Step Together,” we offer the opportunity for families to participate, free of charge, in counseling and psychological support, with the aim of providing concrete strategies to help manage the child’s development, any behavioral problems, and everyday life. This is because we believe that the environment, and family first, can play an important role in helping to realize a child’s developmental potential. However, the family needs to be guided in understanding the best way to support the child at any given time.


Our research activities are aimed at learning more about the cognitive and behavioral profile of children and youth with Down syndrome and understanding what can help them grow up to develop their full potential.

Our research activities are aimed at learning more about the cognitive and behavioral profile of children and youth with Down syndrome and understanding what can help them grow up to develop their full potential.

We are currently involved in the following projects:

  • “The Relationship Between Genotype and Phenotype in Down Syndrome,” in collaboration with the research group coordinated by Prof. Pierluigi Strippoli of the University of Bologna (Italy). The aim is to understand the mechanisms that, starting with genetics, determine intellectual disability in the syndrome, in the hope of one day understanding how to modify them.
  • “EXPO—EXecutive function Play Opportunities,” in collaboration with the Jerome Lejeune Foundation and the research team coordinated by Prof. Deborah Fidler of the Colorado State University (United States). This is a pilot study to test the effectiveness of an executive function enhancement program for preschool children with Down syndrome, based on play activities implemented at home by the child’s caregivers.
  • “Study of the Effect of 5-Methyl-TetraHydroFolate (5-m-THF) on the Psychomotor Development and Cognitive Abilities of Children With Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)—METRI21,” coordinated by Prof. Pierluigi Strippoli, Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine (DIMES), University of Bologna (Italy).
  • “Understanding Individual Differences in Down Syndrome” in collaboration with the research group coordinated by Prof. Silvia Lanfranchi of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization, University of Padua (Italy). 



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The following are some of our past, present, and future collaborations:

  • Research team coordinated by Prof. Pierluigi Strippoli of the Department of Specialist, Diagnostic and Experimental Medicine, University of Bologna (Italy), for the “Genome 21” and “METRI21” projects

Click here to visit the sites:

  • Research team coordinated by Prof. Deborah Fidler of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at the Colorado State University (United States) for the project “EXPO—EXecutive function Play Opportunities”

Click here to visit the site: 

  • Down DADI Association of Padua (Italy) for the projects “EXPO—EXecutive function Play Opportunities” and “How Does an Adult With Down Syndrome Live?”.

Click here to visit the site:

  • Vivi Down Association of Milan (Italy) for the projects “EXPO – EXecutive function Play Opportunities”.

Click here to visit the site: 

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